Member Spotlight: Leticia Polizzi

Image of leticia polizzi


Adult Services Department Manager, Palos Verdes Library District

PRIMARY SERVICE ROLES: Overseeing services provided to adults in the community at all three of our library locations. Working with community leaders and organizations to promote programs for adults and lifelong learning.

HOW DOES YOUR WORK ALIGN WITH SERVICE TO LATINOS AND SPANISH SPEAKING COMMUNITIES? I started my library career working for the LA County Public Library Chicano Resource Center. Back then I had no interest working as a public librarian and was concentrating more on archives. Having that experience in the East LA Library made me realize I do enjoy working with the public and can make a difference in the community. As a public librarian I have worked with local organizations to help spread the word about the resources we have to offer. Having worked as the Community Outreach Coordinator for LA County Public Library I was able to work with the Mexican Embassy to provide books for immigrant children, provide free flu shots by partnering with Public Health and help set up Veteran Resource centers at different libraries for local veterans. I also launched the MakMo vans that visit the community libraries introducing kids to the world of makerspaces and STEAM learning. Before I left that position in 2017 I launched the Discover & Go program, modeled after the Contra Costa Library program. I formed partnerships with local museums to provide free passes for families to check out from the library. 

FAVORITE ASPECT OF THE WORK: Helping the community has always been my driving force in my librarian career. Making sure people know of all the great FREE resources available is what drives me. 

WORDS OF ADVICE TO OTHER LIBRARIANS AND PRESENT AND FUTURE MSLIS STUDENTS: Make connections with other librarians and form your support network. I have made so many great and lasting friendships who are there for me professionally. Have someone you can rely on when you need advice on how to provide service in your own library. Your librarian BFF will get you through some tough times. Have someone that can be that person for you and you can be for them. 

PROGRAMS THAT I’VE DONE: One particular program I am most proud of is the “Attack of the Comic Books” event I organized as a Library Manager at the Sorensen Library (Whittier, CA). This was in 2015 when the Marvel films were getting traction in the box office and families would ask us, “Is it ok for my child to read comic books?” That launched our little comic-con. We planned a full day of comicbook speakers, workshops, bilingual cartoonists art workshop,  activities and even a cosplay contest. I approached local comic book stores in the area and local artists to set up booths in our courtyard. We reached out to local latino businesses to donate giveaways and prizes for the kids from local comic book publishers. As an avid superhero geek myself, I had attended all three cons that year (Star Wars Celebration, Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo (Now LA Comic Con) and San Diego Comic Con. So I had a bunch of giveaways. The event was attended by over 800 people. 

In 2020 I organized a Suffrage Centennial Voting celebration at PVLD. The community and local partners were invited to lectures, book discussions, art contests, oral history events and a kick off event of a recreation of a suffrage protest parade, with 1800’s attire and banners. The event kick off was scheduled for March 13, 2020. (sad trombone sound) Of course we had to cancel as we were expecting over 200 people to participate including local city council members. We had to put away our sashes and multilingual banners for another time. 

PERSONAL INTERESTS OR HOBBIES YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE: I LOVE watching TV. I seriously think I have a problem. Shows I consistently watch and rewatch are The Office, 30 Rock, Doctor Who, Ted Lasso, Downton Abbey, Ghosts (UK version), Parks & Rec and The Americans. When I am not watching TV, I read and listen to podcasts. You can follow me on to follow my yearly challenge. Currently reading:”The Witches of New York” by Ami McKay, “The Family Chao” by Lan Samantha Chang and “Go Tell the Bees That I am Gone” by Diana Gabaldon. One podcast I highly recommend right now is “Celebrity BookClub with Chelsea Devantez”. She reads memoirs of famous women and tells you all about them so you don’t have to. Start with the Mariah Carey episode. Enjoy!