Member Spotlight: Catherine Sturgeon

Name:    Catherine Sturgeon

Title:    Children’s Librarian

Primary Service Roles:    

Children’s programming, both in-branch and virtual (storytimes, crafts, STEAM activities, etc.); collection development and management for juvenile materials, including materials purchasing, budgeting, and weeding; community outreach and school visits; reference and reader’s advisory service; promotion and showcasing of branch and system-wide objectives along with a dash of fun on social media (branch Instagram and Facebook accounts); create exhibits and displays to showcase the collection and heritage months; attend meetings, workshops, and continuing education seminars; and—that beloved or bedeviled catchall—perform other duties as requested.

How does your work align with service to Latinos and Spanish-speaking communities?

While my branch is located in a predominantly Black/African American community, the second largest demographic in our community are Latino/Latina.  I have noticed that some Spanish-speaking patrons seem to be reluctant to or intimidated by approaching librarians at the Reference Desk, so I am brainstorming ideas as to how to make the branch a more welcoming place for them.  I officially became the children’s librarian when we were in the midst of the pandemic (summer 2020), so unfortunately I have not had the ability to do in-person outreach to the Spanish-speaking community during this time, but will rectify that—perhaps with the help of our amazing area outreach librarians—in the future. We have Spanish and bilingual materials in both the children’s and adult sections. I posted virtual bilingual storytimes during the pandemic (but my phrasing and pronunciation definitely need work.) We have a Young Adult Librarian and two Clerks who are fluent in Spanish and provide translation help when needed in the branch.

Favorite aspect of your work:

I can’t choose just one! That no day is ever the same; there are always different challenges and projects to keep things interesting. That I can use my creativity on a daily basis—this is my happy place—to benefit both the library and myself. That incredible feeling when you’ve helped someone or given them information they didn’t know, there’s nothing quite like it: that glow, the warmth and satisfaction of providing something useful to someone. It keeps us coming back for more.

Words of advice to other librarians and present and future MSLIS students:

We all have it within us to inspire and to be inspired.  As Joy Harjo writes in Poet Warrior: "We are all put here to be leaders, within ourselves, our families, and our communities. Be a leader." Adapt, adaptable, adaptability: learn to adapt and be flexible.  Discover what makes you happy in your job and distill that joy whenever possible by incorporating it into your work in ways small or large.  Even a dollop of joy or humor can make the difference in your day.  I’ve found that most librarians are a curious lot and this will serve you well because we tend to be widely interested in many ideas, things, and people.  Never stop learning.  Use that curiosity of yours and take advantage of continuing education opportunities.  Ask questions!  Utilize your fellow library staff or, if you’re a student, reach out to library staff.  Most of us would love to help you.  Finally, especially now, be gentle with yourself and send some kindness your own way. You will find your own path and, if you get lost, there will always be someone to help you find it again or forge an alternate route.  You are not alone.  We are a community.

Programs that I’ve done:

Virtual robot storytime with Jen Lashley, the South L.A. Robotics founder and owner; virtual bilingual puppet storytime with Josué Cuentacuentos of Commerce Public Library; virtual main feed Los Angeles Public Library storytimes with other children’s librarians and different themes; branch thematic virtual storytimes; virtual craft tutorials; and virtual STEAM activities.

Personal interests or hobbies you’d like to share:

Reading, of course! My TBR piles are fearsomely tall and wide (bound and digital).  Crafting, especially with paper. I’m forever trailing bits of paper or glitter behind me like some Hansel and Gretel trail.  Writing, but I haven’t made much time for that lately.  Music and art are balms to the soul.  Anything dogs or horses.  I miss having my own dog so I co-opt everyone else’s dogs.  But let us not forget coffee, the elixir of life.