Mentee: Cristina Banuelos, Library Student, University of Southern California
Mentor: Ziba Pérez, Librarian, Palisades Library (Los Angeles Public Library)
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: What was your primary reason for joining the Mentorship Program?
My primary motivation for enrolling in the Mentorship Program stems from my initial lack of experience in the field when I began studying management in library and information science. I recognized the need to embark on a learning journey to become a librarian.
Mentor Ziba Pérez: What was your primary reason for joining the Mentorship Program?
To give back to the community I started in ten years ago.
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: How have your goals evolved as a result of your mentorship experience?
The truth is, I couldn't have imagined a more valuable learning experience than the one I gained with Ziba. Without any exaggeration, Ziba has been instrumental in guiding me along the path to becoming a librarian and has generously shared all of her knowledge and experience with me.
“I wish I had someone there mock interviewing me and confirming my answers before I gave them officially.”
Mentor Ziba Pérez: In what ways has being a mentor enriched your understanding of the needs and aspirations of emerging librarians?
I remember when I was new to interviewing for library positions, I was guessing at what to say and that worked but I wish I had someone there mock interviewing me and confirming my answers before I gave them officially. Now I’m happy to help Cristina in that way!
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: Could you share a specific example of how your mentor has helped you navigate challenges or make significant progress in your career?
Ziba consistently emphasizes the significance of engaging in unique activities and attending events. She assists me in preparing with mock interviews, providing invaluable guidance on the process. Ziba extends invitations for me to partake in workshops and generously shares her own work with me. Furthermore, Ziba always encourages my participation in events she believes will enhance my experiential learning.
Mentor Ziba Pérez: How did you work with your mentee to achieve their specific goals or overcome a challenge they faced during the program?
I had Cristina shadow me at the library in person and then also we did mock interviews and I gave a lot of advice on how I thought was best to enter librarianship while they were in library school and applying to library positions. I have had a lot of first hand experience since I received my degree in 2012—I've had over a decade since graduation to give back what I’ve learned, so I think it really helped.
“Thanks to my mentor, I genuinely sense my inclusion within the broader librarian community.”
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: How has your mentorship experience impacted your relationship with Reforma and the library field in general?
Thanks to my mentor, I genuinely sense my inclusion within the broader librarian community, particularly among Latinos within Reforma. Ziba has brought me significantly closer to the intricacies of the profession, instilling in me a greater sense of confidence and experience.
Mentor Ziba Pérez: How do you see the mentorship program contributing to the broader goals of Reforma and the library profession in general?
The goals of Reforma are to serve the Spanish speaking community to the best of our ability and part of that is recruitment and training of new librarians so getting students involved as mentees is fulfilling our mission 100%!
“I deeply admire [Ziba’s] consistent engagement and active participation in various library associations and attendance at numerous events.”
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: What lessons have you learned from your mentor that you believe will be valuable in that role?
One aspect of Ziba that I deeply admire, and which I consider highly significant, is her consistent engagement and active participation in various library associations and attendance at numerous events.
“[You need to] develop bilingual programming, marketing, collections and do outreach to ... get your library patrons interested in using the collections / attending the programming!”
Mentor Ziba Pérez: What advice or guidance do you offer to other library professionals, particularly those interested in serving Spanish-speaking communities, based on your experience as a mentor?
Develop bilingual programming, marketing, collections and do outreach to your library’s Spanish-speaking community to get your library patrons interested in using the collections/attending the programming!
Mentee Cristina Banuelos: What ideas or vision do you have for future editions of the mentorship program?
Reforma does an amazing job.